The Weblog
Weblog Entry
welcome to my little market
in addition to fresh produce you will find jellies, dried herbs, spices and veggie powders
I will list fresh produce very cautiously
as my problem is still the same: judging how much I can harvest at any given time
for a general idea you find pinned to the top of my fachbook page
a weekly list of what I think I can harvest at the time,
you can always ask me about vegetables, often I will have a lot more than listed
thank you for understanding
this page is designed for fix order and pickup periods
I will keep the order period open indefinitely
please type in the comment box, day and time you want to pick up
one more thing,
please order leafy greens at least the evening before pickup
so I can harvest when plants are not in heat stress and your greens will stay fresh longer
if you have any questions, please feel free to ask
thank you
your humble gardener
week 31/2020
word of the week:
and okra, tomato and pepper
how do you like Granadero, my red roma tomato?
isn’t she pretty?

how about bright red + shiny shishito peppers?
enjoy them while you can
btw, my micro tomatoes will not stick together when frozen
and will add sunshine to your winter stir fries
as always: please do not forget my
jams, jellies, spices, dehydrated herbs and veggies in the market
have a wonderful week and see you soon,
your humble gardener
week 30/2020
this week my deer helped me harvest pears, they need to practice a lot more,
neither pears nor trees got away unharmed
word of the week:
t o m a t o
peppers are doing well, too, and eggplant and okra,
blueberries hang on longer than I thought possible,
cucumbers are on their last leg
have you ever had a papdi bean? or gongura leaves? Malabar spinach? Lagos Spinach?
why not?
when excited about all the fresh produce please do not forget my
jams, jellies, spices, dehydrated herbs and veggies in the market
have a wonderful week and see you soon,
your humble gardener
week 28/2020
same as last week, plenty of blueberries, cucumbers, lambs quarters and Shishito peppers
and now starting to trickle in: tomatoes

I spent some rainy time cooking jelly: raspberry, blackberry and a new one, plum
of course all from fruit I grew in my garden

have a wonderful week and see you soon,
maybe next Saturday 8-12 at Suwanee Farmers Market
your humble gardener
week 26/2020
while the whole world goes crazy my garden stays the same peaceful place
the worst thing happening is the neighbor’s kudzu trying to secure a spot,
browntop and mulberry weed wanting to take over my vegetable beds
and it only seems to have thunderstorms when I pick blueberries ;)
words of the week:
cucumber & blueberry
both ripen in abundance
when all excited about all the fresh produce I tend to forget my
jams, jellies, spices, dehydrated herbs and veggies in my market
have a wonderful week and see you soon,
maybe next Saturday, June 27th, 8-12 at Suwanee Farmers Market,
your humble gardener
week 25/2020
new this week in my garden:
lot’s of cucumbers, the very first eggplant and shishito peppers,
malabar spinach + gongura leaves,
blueberries and some green beans,
basil and daicon radishes
the first farmer’s choice big bag packed this week:
there are whispers that tomatoes are slowly taking on color, so keep your eyes peeled!
as always, if you enjoy being a member of Duluth Cottage Kitchen, tell your friends and neighbors!
your feedback help shapes my garden, right now I plan for fall plantings, let me know what you think about my products
have a wonderful week and see you soon,
maybe next Saturday, June 20th, 8-12 at Suwanee Farmers Market,
your humble gardener
week 24/2020
the first of the summer crops is ready to harvest
not quite there yet, but getting close
with the rain we had today they will be big enough to harvest quick
who knows what this is?
exactly: malabar spinach
we will attend Suwanee Farmers Market again next Saturday June 13th, 8-12
so there will be no veggie pick up on Saturday
what else is new?
blueberries slowly start to ripen, a few red raspberries, the very first gongura leaves aka roselle, some New Zealand spinach,
oh, almost forgot BASIL !
looking forward to seeing you here or in Suwanee
your humble veggie gardener
week 22/2020
how do you like the looks of these mustard greens?

old fashioned mustard, mizuna, ruby streaks, Frizzy Lizzy, purple giant, golden frills …
but all baby and all crisp
to beef up your salad mix or stir fry
or do you prefer arugula?
still going strong: young celery, fennel bulbs, kohlrabi, head lettuce
if you have not yet tried my beloved weed lambs quarters,
you do not know what you are missing out on!
imagine a ‘spinach’ packed with nutrients and minerals, that can bear summer heat,
hence will be available until first frost
and does lack the metallic after taste of ‘real’ spinach
we will attend Suwanee Farmers Market again next Saturday May 30st, 8-12
so there will be no veggie pick up on Saturday
looking forward to seeing you here or in Suwanee
your humble veggie gardener
week 21/2020
finally fennel!
are you a true Southerner? how do you like pea shoots?
still a week or so before first harvest,
but we are getting there
we will attend Suwanee Farmers Market again next Saturday May 23rd, 8-12
so there will be no veggie pick up on Saturday
what else is new?
spinach is dead, long live lambs quarters,
you can have them as regular lambs quarters and as micro lambs
collardsare dead, curly kale still looks decent, so does rainbow lacinato
spring onions still look good and I still have a good number of head lettuce,
tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers are blooming
looking forward to seeing you here or in Suwanee
your humble veggie gardener
week 20/2020
finally the next generation celery
still tender but ready to harvest
sesame leave are ready as well
fennel and kohlrabi are another week out
we will attend Suwanee Farmers Market again next Saturday May 16th, 8-12
so there will be no veggie pick up on Saturday
what else is new?
kales and collards really took a breather during our cold spell, there will be one more harvest,
remember summer spinach, lambs quarters? good
two more hot weather greens are coming up: malabar spinach and New Zealand spinach
looking forward to seeing you here or in Suwanee
your humble veggie gardener